Dispatch Course

Are you interested in becoming your own boss and working from home as an Independent Dispatch?

Estas interesado en tener tu propio negocio y trabajar desde tu hogar como Despachador Independiente?

Inicie su propio negocio en la industria de camiones de $ 799 mil millones de dólares sin tener ni conducir un camión. Nuestro curso prepara a todo aquel que no tenga experiencia en el mundo de la logística. Aprenda a despachar camiones semirremolque, box truck, y hotshots desde tu teléfono. Obtendrá acceso a un grupo privado de Facebook donde compartimos aún más información educativa y compartimos clientes potenciales.
210-642-3132 para registrarse

Start your own business in the $799 billion dollar Trucking Industry without owning or driving a truck. Our course prepares anyone who doesn't have any experience in the logistics world. Learn how to dispatch semi trucks, box trucks, hotshots all from your phone. You will obtain access to a private facebook group where we share even more educational information and share potential clients. Classes are live by video call once a week, for three weeks where you receive direct access to us to answer all questions. We also cover how to register your business and obtaining business credit. No insurance, no license or certificates are required for this business. After checkout we will email you a pdf document to start learning.

210-642-3132 to register